<p>Since this isn't a category that requires review for Universo, we won't be conducting a review on this submission.</p>
<p>The NBCU Advertising Compliance department will only review advertisements intended for broadcast on Universo cable entertainment, and in the following sensitive categories:</p>
<p>1) Controversial Issues & Political</p>
<p>2) Dietary Supplements & Homeopathic Remedies</p>
<p>3) Weight Loss Supplements & Programs</p>
<p>4) Non-Casino Gambling & Fantasy Sports.</p>
<p>5) Any adult-oriented ads (reviewed on a case-by-case basis) / Hard Alcohol: Not to air during or around children’s programming. Viewership composition needs to be 85% of the audience over the age of 21+/of legal drinking age.</p>
Destination Program
Destination Status